
Root canal treatment (also called Endodontics) is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected through tooth decay or damaged by an injury to your mouth. This infection may spread through the root canal system, which could eventually lead to an abscess, causing a great deal of discomfort. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the tooth may need to be taken out.


É uma das técnicas mais usadas para devolver a cor natural dos dentes e pode ser realizada de duas maneiras:

  • Caseiro: realizado pelo próprio paciente em casa através do uso de uma moldeira de acetato onde o gel é aplicado e o paciente dorme com a moldeira em posição.
  • Profissional: realizado pelo dentista no consultório, através da utilização de recursos como Laser ou LED (diodo emissor de luz) que potencializam a ação do gel clareador.

A grande finalidade da reabilitação oral é restabelecer: Função (mastigação), Saúde (remover infecções) e Estética (beleza).

  • A reabilitação oral envolve muitas especialidades da odontologia, como ortodontia, implantodontia, prótese dentária, dentística, periodontia e a estética.
  • O implante dental é um pino de titânio que substitui a raiz de um dente perdido, serve de apoio para a prótese (dente) que deve ser semelhante aos dentes naturais em estética e função.

Lentes de Contato Dental são lâminas de porcelana extremamente finas projetadas para cobrir a superfície frontal dos dentes.

  • Sua função é melhorar a estética do sorriso.
  • São coladas na frente dos dentes mudando a cor, formato, tamanho, ou comprimento dos dentes normais.

A Ortodontia é a especialidade da odontologia que busca a correção do posicionamento dentário utilizando de aparelhos fixos, móveis, estéticos e até invisíveis para o alinhamento perfeito do sorriso.
Estágios do tratamento:

  • Indicado para todas as idades.
  • Além do alinhamento estético, a ortodontia melhora a autoestima e proporciona a correção da mordida .

The root is then cleaned and filled to prevent any further infection

Root canal treatment (also called Endodontics) is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected through tooth decay or damaged by an injury to your mouth. This infection may spread through the root canal system, which could eventually lead to an abscess, causing a great deal of discomfort. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the tooth may need to be taken out.

Each year, Schumer takes a trip to Martha’s Vineyard with her high school friends. But as she puts it to Stewart, this year they couldn’t go back. Whatever happened last year left them “banned” from the vacation destination. So they settled on the Hamptons, met up with Lawrence, and the rest is tabloid history. What caused the ban?

Each year, Schumer takes a trip to Martha’s Vineyard with her high school friends. But as she puts it to Stewart, this year they couldn’t go back. Whatever happened last year left them “banned” from the vacation destination. So they settled on the Hamptons, met up with Lawrence, and the rest is tabloid history. What caused the ban?

Each year, Schumer takes a trip to Martha’s Vineyard with her high school friends. But as she puts it to Stewart, this year they couldn’t go back. Whatever happened last year left them “banned” from the vacation destination. So they settled on the Hamptons, met up with Lawrence, and the rest is tabloid history. What caused the ban?

Why Is Amy Schumer Banned from Martha’s Vineyard?

Schumer stays mum. It’s possible Schumer was joking when she gave her reasoning for swapping the Hamptons for Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe she didn’t want to offend the welcoming Massachusetts community.

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Maybe it was easier to Uber Copter out to the South Fork. Schumer stays mum. It’s possible Schumer was joking when she gave her reasoning for swapping the Hamptons for Martha’s Vineyard.

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It’s possible Schumer was joking when she gave her reasoning for swapping the Hamptons for Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe she didn’t want to offend the welcoming Massachusetts community.

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Health Programme aimed at kids and young people. This will include a dental check-up, diet advice and brushing advice.

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